Monday, October 6, 2008

Don't Leave, Samantha!!

I'm sorry if you think otherwise, but I'm ANGRY at American Girl for the retiring of Samantha. I heard from Gale on Doll Diaries that they will be announcing it on the 13 of October this year! But why, I wonder. Is it because they want to cut down production expenses for the Girl of the Year movie's expenses? Maybe they're just bored and don't like her? That can't be, for they specifically called her a "bright Victorian beauty". They don't say anything else like this for the other Historicals Characters! So, the logical reason would be the first one. I'm still mad, though, for she's been a favorite since her debut in 1986! Okay, I have let my anger out, and remember; your comments on this are still accepted, agreeing or disagreeing.
Happy collecting!
Jessica S.

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