Friday, April 10, 2009

How Long Has It Been?!! :D

Yeesh, it's felt like YEARS since we've posted! LOL!
Hey, guys! If you forgot our names, we're Zoe and Jessica- twins who are crazy about AG. A lot has gone on these past three months.
First, our mom (Jessie lives with her) just got diagnosed with cancer. We need prayers as she undergoes surgery on Friday. Thank you!
Second, I (Jessie) got a new puppy!!! He's a three-month-old Pug named Murphy. (All the good stuff seems to happen to me...)
Third, Zoe's house, unfortunately, got robbed. Fortunately, no one was hurt.
Crazy worlds we have! Yes, we live in different states, and we are fraternal twins, if you're wondering. The identical thing is fascinating, but it'd be creepy if my sis and I looked alike! LOL!
Ok, well, I g2g to bed. Leaving for Des Moines in the morning!
Jessica. P.S. We probably haven't mentioned, but I got Samantha for X-Mas, and Zo-Zo got Nellie!! Happy dance! * *
V <- it's a penguin! :P


Zoe and Jessica S. said...

Man! My Penguin got messed up! lol
* *

Zoe and Jessica S. said...

now it looks like a messed-up chick! LOL well, all in easter spirits, right? :D